jeudi 21 octobre 2010

To begin with...

"Chacun de nous a sa manière d'aimer et de haïr, et cet amour, cette haine reflètent sa personnalité tout entière. (...) Nous échouons à traduire entièrement ce que notre âme ressent : la pensée demeure incommensurable avec le langage."
Bergson - Les données immédiates de la conscience.

"Behind each language is a culture, the expressive richness of a living tongue and its infinite capacity to reflect a distinct mode of thought. So, when a language dies, it truly diminishes the capacity of our world to think, to know, to be and to do differently - to be truly other than the dominant culture."
Why do People Hate America

In a nutshell, language shapes reason. 

So when I will say things that you don't understand, don't forget that each and everyone of us has different conceptions of every single words. 

Language is the fondation of our social life. This is the channel through wich communication occurs. That's perhaps why there is so many conflicts happening all the time in every part of the world. That is why you are and will be alone all your life, because no one, no one, can truly understand you. 

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